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Kwan Wei Lek

Associate Head Of Cluster (Science, Mathematics And Technology), Senior Lecturer

Room Number: 1.302-24
Research Areas:
Material Science, Electrical Engineering

Pillar / Cluster: Design and Artificial Intelligence, Engineering Product Development, Science, Mathematics and Technology


Kwan Wei Lek received his PhD degree at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. Before joining SUTD, Wei Lek was a lecturer at the Singapore Polytechnic for 7 years and an adjunct faculty at the Singapore Institute of Technology.


Wei Lek is interested in improving students’ learning through design projects and hands-on approaches. His current research interests includes applying artificial intelligence to improve teaching and learning.


Education Background

  • PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
  • MS in Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore
  • BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyoto University

Research Interests

  • Photovoltaic
  • Printed Electronics
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Pedagogy Innovation

Key Publications

Review articles and book chapters

  1. T. W. Kim, Y. Yang, F. Li and W. L. Kwan, “Electrical memory devices based on inorganic/organic nanocomposites” NPG Asia Materials 4, e18 (2012)
  2. W.L. Kwan, Y. Yang, “Organic and polymer non-volatile memories: materials, devices and working mechanisms” in “Nonvolatile Memories: Materials, Devices, and Applications” T.-Y. Tseng, S.M. Sze Eds., American Scientific Publishers, California (2012)

Selected journals and conference papers

  1. R.J. Peh, Y. Lu, F. Zhao, C.-L. K. Lee, W.L. Kwan, “Vacuum-free processed transparent inverted organic solar cells with spray- coated PEDOT:PSS anode” Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95, 3579 (2011)
  2. C.H. Chou, W.L. Kwan, Z. Hong, L.M. Chen, Y. Yang, “Metal-oxide interconnection layer for polymer tandem solar cells with an inverted architecture” Advanced Materials, 23, 1282 (2011)
  3. W.L. Kwan, B. Lei, Y. Shao, S.V. Prikhodko, N. Bodzin, Y. Yang, “Direct observation of localized conduction pathways in photocross-linkable polymer memory” Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 124516 (2009)
  4. W.L. Kwan, R.J. Tseng, Y. Yang, “Multi-layer Stackable Polymer Memory Devices” Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A. 367, 4159 (2009)
  5. W.L. Kwan, R.J. Tseng, W. Wu, Q. Pei, Y. Yang, “Stackable Resistive Memory Device Using Photo Cross-linkable Copolymer” 2007 International Electron Device Meeting, Washington D.C. IEDM Technical Digest p237-240 (2007)
Recent Highlights
Applying machine learning methods in understanding students' learning
Sharing at AI Educator Symposium 2019